Bakewell Bird Study Group visit to Redmires – Thursday 16 May 2024


The promised rain held off until 11.45 enabling ten of us to complete the walk to the bridge over the conduit before cutting back to the car park. A very grey day made bird spotting difficult but Merlin helped identify some very faint calls which many of us found difficult to hear. Like last year the reservoir was full to overflowing making life difficult for the Common Sandpipers but we did see one skimming across the water. Two families of Grey Lag Geese provided some photo opportunities before we set off along the conduit. Lapwings were well down on the 23 seen last year and only one chick was spotted – very worrying. A pair of Curlews feeding in the field accompanied by three leggy chicks was probably the highlight of the day. Meanwhile great views were being had by some of the group of a handsome male Linnet on the path. Several Skylarks were singing overhead and a pipit with food in its beak was photographed which at the time was identified as a Meadow but may have been a Tree. No peeping Golden Plovers were heard so perhaps we were too early for chicks but eventually one adult was spotted on a tussock. No Red Grouse were seen or heard – very surprising on a Grouse moor – but we had a good view of a Cuckoo flying low over the ground pursued by at least four pipits.
We arrived back in the car park just as it started to pour.

Bird list (24 species seen and/or heard)

Canada Goose Grey Wagtail
Greylag goose Meadow Pipit
Curlew + 3 chicks Skylark
Common Sandpiper Stonechat
Mallard Lapwing ( inc 1 chick)
Blackbird Snipe (heard)
Cuckoo Golden Plover
Redstart (heard) Linnet
Carrion Crow Kestrel
Wren Great Tit
Pheasant Chaffinch
Willow Warbler Wood Pigeon
Meadow Pipit or Tree Pipit

Meadow Pipit or Tree Pipit – Chris Byrne

Grey Lag Goose

Grey Lag Goose – Yvonne Hofer