Bakewell Bird Study Group visit to Potteric Carr YWT Reserve – Saturday 11 May 2024, 09.15 to 15.15


We last visited this reserve in January 2020, just before covid struck.  This time round the species list was similar, despite the difference in season and, once again, the almost total absence of waders was noted.  On this latest visit the exception was a solitary Lapwing (plus an Oystercatcher only identified subsequently from one of Martyn’s photos).  There is a good visitor centre and café and, for those interested in buying a new pair of binoculars, there is a modest range on sale that you can try before you buy.  The main paths are good and there are several hides available, mostly overlooking one or more of the lagoons.

There was plenty of bird song as we made our way from the Visitor Centre along a wooded path to pick up the ‘Blue’ route round the main lagoons.  As at Coombes Valley earlier in the month, actually spotting the birds was tricky.  However, from the hide at Piper Marsh we then had clear views of a Grey Heron, Little Egret and Pochard among other species.  Further on we saw a Marsh Harrier over the reeds and a number of Black-headed Gulls circling around but rarely landing. After a while we spotted a Coot with 6 chicks, braving exposure as they moved into a less dense area of reeds.  All of a sudden, the adult Coots started squawking furiously as one of the gulls swooped in and then flew off with one of the chicks.  A sobering moment!

Having heard from other birders which hide might give us views of a pair of Black Terns we pressed on towards the Duchess Hide and were not disappointed.  They were flying backwards and forwards the far side of the lagoon and then settled on a wooden stump jutting out of the water; a surprise sighting that made a good day’s birding in the sunshine even more enjoyable.

Members participating:    5

Bird list (37 species seen and/or heard)

Little Grebe Buzzard Blackbird
Great Crested Grebe Pheasant Song Thrush
Little Egret Moorhen Cetti’s Warbler
Grey Heron Coot Reed Warbler
Mute Swan Oystercatcher Blackcap
Greylag Goose Lapwing Chiffchaff
Canada Goose Black-headed Gull Blue Tit
Shelduck Lesser Black-backed Gull Magpie
Gadwall Black Tern Jackdaw
Mallard Woodpigeon Carrion Crow
Pochard Wren Goldfinch
Tufted Duck Robin Reed Bunting
Marsh Harrier    
Great Crested Grebe – Martyn Grandy

Great Crested Grebe – Martyn Grandy

Mute Swan – Chris Byrne

Mute Swan – Chris Byrne

Pochard trio – Martyn Grandy

Pochard trio – Martyn Grandy

Black-headed Gull mobbing tactics – Martyn Grandy

Black-headed Gull mobbing tactics – Martyn Grandy

Coot family sensing imminent attack – Chris Byrne

Coot family sensing imminent attack – Chris Byrne

Azure Damselfly – Chris Byrne

Azure Damselfly – Chris Byrne